joi, 21 august 2014

Lasniciorul( solanum dulcamara)

 Lasniciorul este un semiarbust ce poate avea o inaltime de pana la trei metri. Face parte din familia solanaceelor. Rizomul sau este foarte puternic, lemnos, iar tulpina, agatatoare, poate deveni taratoare.  Lasniciorul infloreste in lunile de vara. Florile, de culoare violeta, sunt grupate in inflorescente. Fructele, niste bobite rosii (bace), sunt otravitoare. Lasniciorul crestein locurile umede, de la campie pana la munte.
 Planta se mai numeste si dulce-amar deoarece, la inceput, cand este gustata, are un gust amarui, pentru ca  sub influenta salivei  sa devina dulce.

 Linking to : FFFToday's Flowers

15 comentarii:

  1. It is a beautiful flower!

  2. I must say I have never looked this closely at nightshade. Thanks for educating me. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. A very pretty flower with lovely colours. Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. It looks so beautiful, I've never seen it before, I love the details!
    Have a nice weekend,

  5. I never seen it before, such a pretty flower!

  6. Beautiful flower! I like the colours! Very well captured!

  7. Magnificent! Thank you for sharing this beautiful flower with Today's Flowers.

  8. Lovely closeups! I like the colour of the blossom very much.

  9. So very beautiful. Thanks for the introduction.

  10. Beautiful macros of this delicate little flower.
    Many thanks for participating in Floral Friday Fotos.


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